Monthly Archives: October 2013

Chipotle Supports Halloween

This year, Chipotle is holding a promotion benefitting devoted “Halloweeners”. Dressed up patrons can purchase a fully loaded burrito for $3. Nothing wrong with cheap burritos -Brandon, frequent Chipotle customer, dressed as firefighter

Halloween Class

This is a rainy day for Halloween. I don’t like rainy Halloweens by Nick

AP Correspondent Aye Aye Win Visits University of Missouri

On Tuesday, October 29, Aye Aye Win–correspondent for the Associated Press–hosted a Q&A in Gannett Hall auditorium. For density of content’s sake, I will explain what I learned from Win as opposed to regurgitating background information.  To summarize: Win grew up and reported in Burma, a country that’s known for its hostility towards journalists.  Win’s […]

Documentaries vs. Journalism

In lecture, we were shown a video that adjoined prose, natural sound, and visuals of ice-riddled mountains.  Upon hearing that the production cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and years to make, I couldn’t help but ask the all-encompassing question: do these guys get paid? Creating documentaries is an appealing job, so naturally, the pay […]

Viral Media   It seems that viral videos on the web surface on a weekly basis.  This week, Justin Baldoni’s elaborate proposal to his girlfriend Emily has taken the spotlight. The proposal itself is captured in a 27+ minute long video.  FIrst, a montage of Baldoni performing with a boy band that reminded me all to […]

Malala Yousafzai On The Daily Show Malala Yousafzai left the Daily Show’s John Stewart speechless with the following quote: “I would tell him how important education is and that I would even want education for your children as well,” the Pakistani girl said. “That’s what I want to tell you, now do what you want.” Yousafzai is nominated for the […]

Must Have Audio/Video iPhone Apps,2817,2391538,00.asp   Let’s face it–our smartphones have grown to be a huge part of our lives.  Whether we are scheduling events, organizing work schedules, staying connected with friends, or simply trying to pass time, we utilize our mobile telephones. Interestingly enough, smartphones can be linked to multimedia in a way people twenty years ago would […]